Which way should we go?

This post was updated on January 15, 2020…it seems clients are still wrestling with how to make decisions when so much seems so uncertain…

Are you having difficulty knowing which move to make next? Maybe you’ve even undertaken a number of rounds of research, and yet the way still seems unclear. Sometimes when this happens, it’s because more than one course of action seems reasonable. Other times, it’s because every possibility comes with risks that make some of your team (or you) uncomfortable. What can you do?

​In these situations, it’s important to get back to basics. Clearly identify the decision you need to make. Then, list only the answers you need, in order to make that decision. Don’t get side-tracked by “nice to know”. It’s rare that you can make a strategic move on one set of data, or using one sort of research tool. More likely, you’ll need to combine several screens or frameworks. The good news is that this doesn’t always have to be costly. Setting your priorities and conducting an audit of data you already own, will allow you to focus your resources on only sourcing the “mission critical” answers. Setting a plan in advance as to what frameworks you’ll use to guide your decision, depending on those answers, is the final piece of the puzzle.

I’m Megann Willson, and I’m one of the Partners here at PANOPTIKA. Whether it’s creating frameworks to help sort through key pieces of customer insight, undertaking research audits or leading workshops to teach clients how to do that for themselves, or finding data that approximates data sets their head office uses but that aren’t available in their jurisdiction, we help our clients see everything they need to know, to make better business decisions. 

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